
All descendants and those married to descendants of Mordechai and Rive Nozick, who during the 19th century resided in Osevetz, Minsker Gubernia Russia (modern day Ukraine), who reach the age of twenty-one (21) years of age, are considered General Members of the Loyal Family Circle. Stepchildren, whether adopted or not, are considered General Members

Over age twenty-one (21), individual dues need to be paid for Active Membership.

In order to be considered an Active Member of the Loyal Family Circle, cousins will need to pay annual dues, and annually update (or confirm) basic family demographic information.

  • Updates and information about Loyal Family Circle events  

    Opportunities to attend Loyal Family Circle events

    Access to Nozick Family Facebook page and Loyal Family Website

  • Voting Rights

    Burial in a Loyal Family Circle cemetery (in accordance with the rules of the cemetery and the procedures set by the Cemetery Committee)

    Reduced costs for Loyal Family Circle events; and Reduced costs of Loyal Family Circle publications

    Access to Nozick Family Facebook page and Loyal Family Website.


Dues fund upkeep on family cemeteries in New York and Rhode Island, subsidize meetups/reunions, assist cousins in need, and much more!

Dues Structure
$50 per “Family”

“Family” is defined as parents and minor children and/or grandchildren who reside in one household. This includes children who are away at college or in military service. Stepchildren, whether adopted or not, share the membership status of the household. Over age 21, individual dues need to be paid for Active Membership.

$30 per Single Adult (Individual)

A Single Adult is age 21 or over.

$15 per member 75 and older (Individual)

In an adult family, where one person is over age 75, each person will pay the dues of a Single Adult, with the price reduction for the person ‘of age.’

***Whether or not your family chooses to contribute financially, please keep the LFC updated with your current household information for our records. We are working hard to keep our connection strong.***

Use this link to complete the dues form and payment process through PayPal.

Please contact Julia Ward ( for any questions.

Interested in getting more involved with the LFC?

From volunteering, to help with a regional meet-up to joining the reunion committee, we are always looking for assistance from cousins! If you are looking to get more involved in the LFC, please reach out to Lenna at